Tuesday, November 04, 2008

boring day..

SEXBOMB MOVIE FILMING : FAILED. SHIT. Don't want to explain what happened...filming will be next week instead..hopefully my dad lends me his cam corder ^^ woo yeah HD LOL. Ya anyway today ok lor...managed 3 clubs alr !! AND NO FRIGGIN PROGRESS !! I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT FIFA 08 !!! Stupid game..basket..oh well..nvm lolz. Today ok la...f**k nikesh and his balls..not happy hes not in graduation thing then give people attitude..ta ma de !!!!!!!! yala he not happy..call SK lor..not happy i back out la..-_- so fucking rude u fucking bastard...not in good mood girls talk to u u talk to them nicely..stop being a bitch and listen up . You're doing this for your class,your friends,not your girlfriend and your beloved doggy girls who follow you around..thinking you r no.1...if u are trying to impersonate an American...its not wrong,just don't go beyond the limit "hustler" aiya apnn like him very..thick skin..hes the self proclaimed Putri's boyfriend..so he calls putri,and she says "who is this?" he'll be like "ÿour bf la" -_- at this very moment if he accidentaly called mrs karthi and tot it was putri..wah straightaway direct the call to mdm lee and mrs koh..LOL. k it i gtg alr...........:S seeya~!

(Nikesh is a fat bitch,yes hes a girl...outside boy inside girl.. :S)

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