Thursday, November 06, 2008

A great win,Kambings.

Yes today was the match,we were totally pwned,because the Kambings were totally fault,the team didn't even have a Line up ! So now i'm going to tell you why we lost 5-3

1. No tactics
2. Disorganised
3. No orders to take from
4. Not paying attention
5. Gave up when 3 goals down

Thats about all,only after zul and sobirin came in goals started coming ...1st half 3-3
2nd half we lost...2 goals from basically i didn't play,instead i managed and watched. And i've noticed something. If i'm not wrong,Jeremy has already planned what to do to score etc...Jeremy passes the ball to his teammate,chips over to our side..and jeremy finishes it off,thats how he scored in the 2nd half,so basically the whole game theres aloooooooot of chipping here and there...but since i have the chance of having good players like zul and sobirin .. ^^ I've put out groups..

Group 1 :

Group 2 :
Nanda (I'm assuming all these 3 guys are in the team,although they're supposed to be in "DXFC" Salihin's team. lol

Odd...6 people only...but in futsal we only need 5. So this is the formation...pls let this work.

azfar nanda


farhan syukry

zul (assuming hes our gk)

Ya abit messed up..its a 2-1-2 formation.. basically syukry will be running up and down.. to cover hes sort of a right-winger-back positon..lolz. notice im not in the formation ?? hehehe i just train wif them but i dont play in matches...need to manage them...alamak no more subs ah...shit lol. aiya im sure jeremy's team max only 5.. ??? Yup thats all....this coming tues got another match..dono if i got prac for AVA...70th anniversary lolz..dress code for AVA is all black !!!!!!!!! WTF . T-shirt black,must wear track also..and cannot wear shoes cos they may hear our footsteps in the !!!!!! So black socks..why not useface paint .. paint our face black too ? LOL Secret operations :P k anyway..still won jeremy's team 6-5 on sure we can win our final match.. next week..hehehehe. k guess thats all for today..seeya !

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