Sunday, November 30, 2008


I wouldn't have stopped twitting,which is something like this --> hiies..iie aM cutE an0txxzxz ?
-_- i used to twit alot last year until a friend of mine,Sarah told me on msn,stop twitting you fool. LOL at first i didn't know wtf twitting was until she told me..hehehehe.
Anyway my week has been rather boring,with nothing much to do. Except getting asked to eat shit and called a by Eugene. Look i don't mean to offend you but seriously,i don't give a fuck if people can tolerate your crap. Too bad i can't. I don't want to be always told to be eating shit and called a fker. You can go say that to your friends but you can't to me cos its what i call RESPECT. I don't know if i've ever gained any respect from you...But i cannot give you any respect because you do not respect anyone,except whoever you want to,that is you being bias my son. Even if you see an old lady on the floor begging for money,whether shes cheating you or she really needs money,she still deserves respect.

At times you said people have been giving you attitude problems ? should be you giving people attitude problems so we do the same,Eye for an eye.

Anyway...later i need to go out for dinner with my whoooooooole family with my dad's dad and i don't want to >.< I'm tired...and everytime i go for a haircut i get a dumb haircut . I look like a pai kia !!!!!!!!!! alamak how ? LOL. Anyway i'm going to Sydney in about a week's time...hoho don't worry i wont buy anything :X jk. I'll see what i can get...i just wanna go there and relax..maybe try to get some koala hats ? LOL then bring singapore some lovely koalas lolololol. Anyway...rather surprising that i'm seeing chacha asking for my msn...hmm something must be going on lol. And jac tagged my blog...woolala how surprising..i think she must be like rolling all over her hotel bed in taiwan cos God keeps knocking into her mindthis : young one,why did you not tag your brother's blog ? He may not be your blood brother,but your brother in christ,and you should always tag his blog because he is such a handsome little monster." LOL self egoistic -_- I couldn't sleep either yesterday night,slept at 11pm..woke up at 3am ? then kept rolling about..started to think abt -__- dont worry i will accomplish my mission b4 i leave for Sydney..pray hard shes online on that night..woohoo ! Then i can leave for Sydney in peace......kk guess thats all..almost 6 gotta head for the um..dinner ? Ciao~

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