Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let me...

For once i never knew where i was going,but i do. And thats to you Ameera...but you just won't stay on the same path,you keep running in different ways. I don't want to hurt you in anyway by forcing you to love me. I have tried to make myself just look at you,but i just can't...just a lil'peek of you will just make me turn back and walk away...because i have someone else in mind...i have tried my best,this is as far as i can go,i would go even further just for you...but i know where i need to stop,you haven't exploded,but i have. I'm willing to do anything for you...but i commitments i have..dont match with yours.

There are many things i'm upset with myself over with,but i'm willing to start again.

I'm sorry Ameera.

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